If you are looking for a way to get cash from credit card without paying much extra interest, processing feee, one time fee, minimum withdrawal fee etc them here is a simple way to get cash.
I hope you already have PayTm account, if not you can create in 2 minutes here. PayTm has a wallet feature to keep your money safe while doing transaction. Its like every time you make a payment from your card/net banking etc , money comes to wallet and then it gets transferred to merchant account. If anything goes wrong while purchase transaction your money gets reflected into your wallet almost instantly, which used to take few days if you do transaction directly and it fails at any step.
Paytm introduced a feature to transfer money from wallet to your bank account.
You may have guessed how you can use this feature to get cash from Credit Card, if not read on.
Step 1. Recharge your wallet using credit card. (You don't need to wait to fail your purchase, you can simply transfer balance from card to wallet.)
Step 2. If you have more then Rs 2000/- in your wallet you can transfer to bank account. Go here -> Select send money tab below add money to paytm wallet.
Paytm will take 2% processing fees on each transfer to bank while adding money to wallet is free.
You can use Airtel Money as well to do almost similar thing to get cash where airtel money has no transaction fee upto Rs 2000/- transaction.
PromoCode : WALLET120
4% cashback ,max Rs 120/-, At least Rs 400/- recharge amount, at max Rs 60/- cashback in one transaction.
Try this easy cash withdrawal today, its best chance.