A friend suggest me to use uber credit and travel to all the places you can go till the credits last same goes with Airbnb.
Now a days few startups like Uber and Airbnb are offering referral bonus and its huge amount. If you use it well, you may get free city travel and lodging.
Uber is currently present at 11 indian cities named as Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Kochi, Kolkata and Chennai where as Airbnb is present in all the uber cities.
How can you do it?
- Create an account on Uber to refer your friends to join it , you will get referral bonus at lest Rs 600/- per ride from each friend.
- Create an Airbnb account to join and refer your friends, you will get at least Rs 3552/- on each referral.
Use UBER for city travel and Airbnb for staying at your comfort.
What is this plan?
Do you have any more ideas?