I used to see comments on facebook, google plus, twitter about accounts getting banned, disabled, barred from booking a ride. Everyone seems complaining about Uber for blocking account. Its true that Uber sweeps all accounts time to time for security and flags some accounts for blocking. Most of the cases are correct where some are not.
People create multiple accounts to get free rides or free credits and enjoy. Here Uber is spending $200 million on marketing in india via free rides, so Uber is making sure it reaches to new users most of the time not fake accounts.
If you don't want to use Uber account smoothly then follow some rule..
- Create one and only account for yourself using your mobile number.
- Add only one paytm account, once and final, don't try to change. Yet you may change, steps are here.
- Login one and only your account in your device.
- Different account, must use different device, eg. Your wife should use her device to login.
- Don't refer hundreds of people at once, take it slow.
- Don't put your referral code on public media where you don't own the content eg Primary Content Creator
Learn some pro tips to use uber on your daily commute and perfect your pickup.
Uber collects 'uncool' amount of data from your device to know your account is unique or not.
Uber collects 'uncool' amount of data from your device to know your account is unique or not.
According to Hacker News, user revelation has actually listed everything the Uber Android app can learn about users, as found below:
- Accounts log (Email)
- App Activity (Name, PackageName, Process Number of activity, Processed id)
- App Data Usage (Cache size, code size, data size, name, package name)
- App Install (installed at, name, package name, unknown sources enabled, version code, version name)
- Battery (health, level, plugged, present, scale, status, technology, temperature, voltage)
- Device Info (board, brand, build version, cell number, device, device type, display, fingerprint, ip, mac address, manufacturer, model, os platform, product, sdk code, total disk space, unknown sources enabled)
- GPS (accuracy, altitude, latitude, longitude, provider, speed)
- MMS (from number, mms at, mmss type, service number, to number)
- NetData (bytes received, bytes sent, connection type, interface type)
- PhoneCall (call duration, called at, from number, phone call type, to number)
- SMS (from number, service number, sms at, sms type, to number)
- TelephonyInfo (cell tower id, cell tower latitude, cell tower longitude, imei, iso country code, local area code, meid, mobile country code, mobile network code, network name, network type, phone type, sim serial number, sim state, subscriber id)
- WifiConnection (bssid, ip, linkspeed, macaddr, networkid, rssi, ssid)
- WifiNeighbors (bssid, capabilities, frequency, level, ssid)
- Root Check (root staus code, root status reason code, root version, sig file version)
- Malware Info (algorithm confidence, app list, found malware, malware sdk version, package list, reason code, service list, sigfile version)
Decide yourself before creating fake account and get free rides. Still you can have some adventure and if you find any loophole to create fake account using Bluestack or some other app, let us know.
Still not on uber: Sign up and get 1 free ride worth Rs 600/-