This Uber memes post is for fun, share and enjoy them, suggest some more funny memes. All the images are copied from other blogs, sites, mostly found via google image search. YOu too can search more using similar keywords like uber memes, uber funny memes, uber driver memes etc.

Mostly this used to happen with me. On most of the bookings I get a call from driver for direction even if just 2 mins away. First they will ask for direction them landmark then drop location , if they fell everything in their favour then start towards you.
Sometime I see car is not moving after booking of 2 mins, I call them asking "Are you waiting for my call for directions?"
Lets me know in comments which situation you faced most often.
Most important links to check next ...

Sometime I see car is not moving after booking of 2 mins, I call them asking "Are you waiting for my call for directions?"
Lets me know in comments which situation you faced most often.
Most important links to check next ...
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