You must know about Arijit Singh, now can feel his voice live. Just keep riding Uber after applying below promo code. Refresh your mood by listening him on youtube or download his whole playlist from internet. Below is the embed of youtube and download link.
For the first time in Chandigarh, Uber Chandigarh brings you a chance to experience the scintillating and soulful voice of the nation’s heart-throb, Arijit Singh. Uber has partnered with Carnival Media and are giving away 50 VIP passes for the concert on April 16th at the Parade Ground, Chandigarh.
All you need to do to qualify, is apply the promo code ARIJITCHD and take 3 rides in the tricity between April 12th – 15th 2016. Lucky winners will win couple VIP passes.
- Fire up your Uber app, tap the Profile icon on the top left and tap Promotions
- Enter the promo code ARIJITCHD
- Take 3 rides with Uber between April 12 – 15, 2016 to qualify!
- #ProTip: The more rides you take, the higher your chances of winning
Best of Arijit Singh SOngs free download
Best of Arijit songs Playlist (Play n listen)
Best Of Arijit Singh | Hindi Songs Collection | Jukebox
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